Saturday, October 24, 2009

from Letter Twelve "After the End"

...It’s all about timing. I don’t want to hide things from you, but I must finish telling
you about the transition times before it will fit. And besides, I thought you were not
going to believe this story anyway. I will tell you this: I am seeing that you and I will
be working together on this project in a way I had not anticipated. For now, let me
return to my account of the beginning of my species.

Shortly after your time, people found themselves no longer operating out of pure
self-interest. The norms of society were changing rapidly. You found increasing
sensitivity to others’ feelings. People began to help each other more. This was not
indiscriminate do-gooding; it was deliberately guided from the heart, joined with the
mind, merged with the appreciative awareness. It is budhi, manas and atma at work

Not only had society at large suddenly become non-aggressive, it had become
simultaneously much more intelligent and fearless; there are no longer walls of
defensiveness! The absence of fear opened us to new approaches and fresh ideas. The
leaders who emerged were profoundly connected to the deep psychological needs of
the groups they were serving. Each individual vigilan being, just as each human being,
has a calling, a destiny.

Look around you now at the true leaders in your world today. You can tell who they
are, and are not. There are many imposters. There are many who desire to be leaders,
but who are not; they are mistaken as to their own destiny. Sadly, their desire is
taken over by ego. These so-called leaders capture control of the populace through
inauthentic means; they lead themselves and everyone else astray. Of course, this
turns out to be beneficial in the end, for confronting inauthenticity hastens the

In contrast to the false leaders, the true leader balances the prerogatives of the
individual with those of society. She or he represents the Source energy, the
beneficence of universal integrity. Look alertly for these ones, and give them your
commitment, your blessings, your appreciation. They are few in number, in my time
as in yours. This has a reason: Leaders are vectors around which many diverse
followers must gather and move together. If there were too many leader types there
would be too many different directions to follow at any given time.

“Well, I see many different directions in the world today—many religions, political
systems, philosophies. Are there too many?”

Yes, relative to the needs of the people. The awakening is a revelation into the
simplicity of the life force, of Conscious Evolution. All is simple, as I mentioned when
we started these letters. The mind is a wonderful aid to exploration. But it does not
possess the capacity to truly synthesize what it analyzes. Thus there is much
redundancy in human systems.

In reality many schools of thought in your time are saying the same things, only with
different words and different cultural overtones. Certain redundancy is not a bad
thing. The many avenues to truth are a wonderful manifestation. However, it is
important to realize that they all lead to the same destination. They are all
empowered from the same Source.

As the new world unfolds, thinking simplifies and slows down. We take time to
ponder and reflect. We find that we don’t need thinking nearly as we thought; pun
intended. It is still a useful tool at times, but the new sensitivities allow us to feel into
space, as we call it. Whenever we have a question, we go first into that space, for
clarity and inspiration. Once we find that, then we are able to more usefully engage
the mind to set things into action. All this happens spontaneously within each a
person to varying degrees. The leaders of these times embody the greatest measure
of this consciousness. They demonstrate the path, through their example, and the
people know when it is right...

Copyright © 2009 by Robert Potter

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing writing and I needed to hear these thoughts. How do I find more about Robert Potter??? how about a video!!
