Wednesday, October 14, 2009

from Letter Five "Who Are We Really?"

...“How do I find the Void?”

You find it, curiously, by not finding it, by looking where it shouldn’t be. It is revealed
when all else is a-voided. I speak paradoxically here, to loosen your mental grip. This
need not be an exhaustive process. All you need is a firm and embodied intention.

“What’s that?”

An embodied intention is a desire that is embedded in your cellular being. You do this by
directly sensing the tissues in your body. Once you find the Void, you will know it by
its absence. You will feel like there is a very still space. It is electrifying, however. It
defies understanding; it exudes a sense of peace and energy, but it does not contain
these things. It contains nothing at all. You cannot delineate the Void, or sense it in any
way. But you can identify with it. This is the fundamental paradox of the Cosmos.

From there you simply relax and enjoy yourself in this magical space. Allow the silence
to come alive in you. For those who become accustomed to the practice, it only takes
an instant to begin feeling the joy and the ticklish energy. Laughing and giggling at this
point are the most natural reactions you can have. It helps to be in the presence of
others for this. Once the tiny spark ignites it will undulate upward and outward,
through your body into the aura and air. It is like taking a warm shower of joy from
the inside of your being.

“You’ve convinced me to try it. Thanks. By the way, a friend of mine has asked me to
ask you a question.”

You are telling people about me?

“Yes. I thought that’s what you wanted.”

No problem. I just thought you would wait until we were finished. But feel free to go
ahead and talk. This message is intended for every human, eventually.

“Well, I have my doubts about whether every human will get this message.”

On the contrary, every human will get this message. Not from me and you necessarily.
But every human is craving to know this message. You will hear it, most significantly,
from within your own genes, as they mutate. This is, of course, the only place
messages of truth can arise. This truth will help ease your transmutation. So, what is
your friend’s question?

“She wants to know what your future looks like, from the time you’re living in? How
do you relate to it? Have you tried to communicate with it, like you have with the
past? In other words, have you looked ahead as well as behind?”

This question is inevitable. The time project has indeed allowed us to look and speak
into both directions. I cannot spend a lot of time right now relating an answer to this
question, however, since it might distract us too much from my mission. Looking into
the future has always been less clear than looking into the past, even before we created
the time technology. This is because the past already has a layer of experiencing to it
that the future does not. It has formal patterns that we can trace through the Now. The
future, on the other hand, only has patterns of the unknown. But it too lies within the
Now, and therefore, it can be traced.

In the case of this letter, I am moving into the past, even though I am coming from
your future. I have you as a destination point to guide my trajectory.
Looking into the future does not relate to my project. Nevertheless, we have made
some tentative contacts with the year 1000.

“What have you found?”

Change continues to accelerate. We have, by no means, reached a final condition in the
year 500. No age ever does. Evolution is all about continuous and accelerating change.
The beings of the year 1000 AI seem to have very little concern about us. We are just a
given to them. They know we exist and that seems to be all they need to know.

These people are dwelling in the immediacy of their own moment, using its divine
energy as an inward propulsion system much more than any outward expression.
They appear to be literally traveling within their own beings, and within the energy
body of Conscious Evolution. These people do not seem to have nearly the limitations
my world still has. They view their ethereal explorations every bit as real as any
physical project might be for you or me. We would love to tap into their experiences
more and perhaps apply what they have learned to our own inner explorations.
Unfortunately, they have not been open to sharing much, so far...

Copyright © 2009 by Robert Potter

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